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May 17, 2023 0 Comments

GIS Service Level Agreement: An Essential Contract for GIS Services

In today`s digital age, the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has become ubiquitous. GIS technology is used by governments, businesses, and individuals to manage, analyze, and visualize geographic data. With this widespread use of GIS, it is essential that organizations have a clear understanding of the levels of service they can expect from GIS service providers. This is where a GIS Service Level Agreement (SLA) comes into play.

What is a GIS Service Level Agreement?

A GIS Service Level Agreement is a contract between a GIS service provider and its clients. It outlines the terms and conditions of the service level the provider will deliver, including the scope of services, quality standards, and performance metrics. The agreement also details the responsibilities of both parties, the timeframes for service delivery, and the remedies available if the service provider fails to meet the agreed-upon service levels.

Why is a GIS Service Level Agreement important?

A GIS SLA is important for several reasons. First, it ensures that service expectations are clearly defined and understood by both the GIS service provider and the client. This helps to avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and conflicts that could arise from differences in expectations and perceptions regarding the service. Second, an SLA helps to establish a basis for performance measurement and evaluation of the GIS service provided.

Third, a GIS SLA can help to improve the quality of service delivery. By defining specific quality standards and performance metrics, the GIS service provider is more likely to develop and implement processes and procedures that improve the quality of the service provided.

Fourth, a GIS SLA can help to reduce the risks associated with GIS service provision. By defining the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the risks of service outages, data loss, and other potential issues can be minimized.

What should be included in a GIS Service Level Agreement?

A GIS Service Level Agreement should include the following elements:

1. Scope of services: This section should define the specific GIS services that will be delivered by the service provider.

2. Quality standards: This section should define the quality standards that the GIS service provider must meet. These may include accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and reliability.

3. Performance metrics: This section should define the performance metrics that will be used to measure the quality and timeliness of the GIS service provided. These may include availability, response time, and resolution time.

4. Responsibilities and obligations: This section should specify the responsibilities and obligations of both the GIS service provider and the client. This may include data ownership, data security, and confidentiality.

5. Timeframes: This section should define the timeframes for service delivery, including response times for service requests, and resolution times for service issues.

6. Remedies: This section should define the remedies available to the client if the GIS service provider fails to meet the agreed-upon service levels. These may include service credits, penalties, or termination of the service agreement.


In conclusion, a GIS Service Level Agreement is an essential contract for organizations that utilize GIS services. It helps to avoid misunderstandings, establishes a basis for performance measurement and evaluation, improves the quality of service delivery, and reduces the risks associated with GIS service provision. When drafting a GIS SLA, it is important to ensure that all the essential elements are included, and that the agreement is clear, concise, and understandable to both parties.